Setting up a Employee’s Commission Rate

Guide Steps

Introduction / Overview

This Guide is about setting an employee’s “commission” rate or value. This rate or value can be used in other areas of CMIS. The key use is determining an employee’s commission on a specific project or group of projects.

There are three components that need to be addressed to automate a commission calculation.

  1. Setting an employee’s commission rate (what this guide is about).
  2. Creating Commission formulas for the Commissioned Earned, Paid, and Balances (see related Commission Formulas guide)
  3. Setting who gets a commission on a specific Job (see related Project Commission Setup guide)

All three of these steps work together to assist in calculating the commission.


Find the Employee to Set the Commission Rate for

  1. Navigate to Contacts > General.
  2. Click Find and enter the name of the employee that you want; then click Find again to perform the search.

Create the Pay Rate Record

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Special > Pay.
  2. In the pay rate portal, enter the following:
    1. Co = Company code to which this rate will be applied (default is 1 ).
    2. Pay Codes Job = is the code that links this rate to groups of jobs.  The default job rate code is 100.  If a job requires different rates, you will match the unique rate code here with what is set for that job (Projects > Setups > Financial).
    3. Pay Codes CC = is the code that links this rate to a group of cost codes.  The default cost code rate code is 0.  You will always want this to be different for commissions.  Our suggestion is “X” or “C”.  Whatever you end up using, you will need to make sure the cost code that will be used to represent commissions has this same code (Setup > Cost Codes > Detail View under Payroll Information). NOTE: there is also a default cost code for Commissions under Setups > Companies > Payroll > Cost Codes.
    4. Type = select “commission” for this rate.
    5. Rates Base = enter the value for this commission.  If it is a percentage, enter it as a decimal, i.e., 0.5 for 50%.
    6. Per Unit = enter PR if the commission is a percentage.

Depending on your commission formulas, commissions can be percentages or values, and the Per Unit field will assist in determining how these are to be used.


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